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Aquatic Therapy now at Meridian Physical Therapy

Meridian Rehabilitation Center in the Puyallup Herrald!  Follow the link below to learn about the 4,000 square foot expansion and aquatic therapy program now offered at the Meridian Rehabilitation Center.

Meridian Physical Therapy is proud to offer a unique approach of incorporating both land and water-based therapy under one roof! Aquatic therapy is an optimum adjunct to the land-based programs, offered either as an alternative or a transition to our land-based physical therapy. This type of approach can aid the patient to progress through their treatment plan more rapidly than each therapy independently.

 Aquatic Therapy has become a very successful form of physical therapy treatment.  In the buoyancy of water, people can exercise comfortably and become stronger while gaining mobility in their body and limbs. Aquatic therapy exercises are designed specifically to improve flexibility, balance, cardiovascular function, and strength.

To learn more about Meridian Physical Therapy, or to find out if Aquatic Therapy is right for you, click here.

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