Lifestyle 365®
Lifestyle 365® is the ultimate prescriptive exercise program.
After a comprehensive assessment evaluating your lifestyle and overall health concerns, you’ll receive a high quality, individualized program created by a Certified Exercise Physiologist.

24-hour fitness facility access
Members receive 24-hour access to state-of-the-art facilities.
Exercise is supervised during clinic hours. Your Lifestyle 365®
program is documented in RET Physical Therapy’s electronic
medical record, allowing your teams of providers to view your
progress and find new insights.
Lifestyle Medicine services
Getting you on track both physically and mentally is essential to long term success. Your exercise specialist may recommend meeting with a Lifestyle Medicine physical therapist or registered dietitian to support your care plan and goals. These additional services can be billed through your insurance, as well as through a variety of cash pay options.
About our exercise specialists
Our exercise specialists are licensed professionals with
credentialing from the American College of Sports Medicine.
Their expertise around disease management, physical
dysfunction and clinical exercise prescription allows
unmatched quality care.
Invest in your health with Lifestyle 365®
As we all continue to age, the time to invest in your health is
now. 1 in 7 Americans suffer from chronic diseases which can
be reversed with the appropriate lifestyle and behavior
modification. Lifestyle 365® provides the tools to directly make
changes so you can reduce or avoid depending on or needing
expensive prescription medications, examinations, and
surgeries in some cases year after year. Prevention is the best
solution for long term healthy care success.
Take the next step
- Schedule a free Health Risk Assessment to determine which
services are appropriate for you. - Register for a Start session. Meet with a Lifestyle Medicine
Exercise Specialist (ES) to talk about where you are on your
path to wellness. During the session the ES will review goals
and how programs and services at RET can help support
you reaching them.